Thursday, March 23, 2006

America...Land of the Hefty!

Of course it's the land of the "plenty." It's land of the MORE than plenty! We can't even order fast food without being asked..."Supersize?" That's why our waistbands have become supersized. We have to ask ourselves though...can we REALLY blame the fast food chains? Our cars don't drive THEMSELVES to MickeyD's! They DO have salads on the menu.
We have to make the choice ourselves to IMPROVE ourselves. We can't put our lives OR our waistbands in the hands of the fast food chains!

Anyway, enough rambling...
Today was a little tougher than the rest of the week. For some reason I was hungrier. One thing was the fact that I didn't drink enough water. Second thing I noticed; I was a bit ill. So, it could be that Aunt Flo is coming for a visit soon! Just hope she doesn't bring a whole suitcase of cravings, and bloating.
I hung in there nonetheless, and overcame temptation! I'm determined to make it to that "100 day goal." Tomorrow is my first official weigh-in. So hopefully, I won't retain TOO much water! I added a little more activity today as well. I did 4 miles on my gazelle, maybe that will help some.
Book Review:
I started reading "Tales from the Scale" today, and so far it is NOT at all what I expected. Not to say that it is not good...just not what I thought it would be. I've only read about 1/4 of it, so I guess it could change. I was expecting a light hearted comic approach, with funny cynical comments. So far it has been rather depressing. Sad stories from some dysfunctional childhood memories. Depressing tales of the dread of going to PE class. Not that I can't sympathize. I've definitely been there, and felt their pain. Can't blame my parents for my weight gains though. They didn't do this to me...oh I said, I'm only about 1/4 of the way through it. I guess it could change directions.

Anyway, Day 7 is officially over, and I made it through it. Time to soak in the tub, and go to bed. Happy weigh-ins everyone!

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