This is Day 18, and I actually stayed on Cambridge while I was camping! NO CHEATING! I'll have to admit, that was a FIRST. I've never been able to maintain ANY diet while camping! All the wonderful food smells wafting through the campground is enough to make even the MOST enthusiastic, and devoted dieter go screaming into the woods with a roasting stick, and 3 packs of hot dogs...even if you HATE hot dogs!
And, what is the DEAL with hot dogs ANYWAY? I would have no desire to TOUCH one when I'm here at home. I mean who KNOWS what they scraped up off the floor to MAKE the things. But when in the OPEN air, the smell of ONE little skinny dog on the end of a STICK is enough to make you drool all over your shoes!
Oh well, I survived, and I might add that I was VERY proud of myself. I really wanted to stay on my diet, and get this weight off as soon as possible. I think also the pure fact that people were telling me, "Don't GO, you'll NEVER be able to resist the temptation!" was enough to keep me honest! If someone tells me I CAN'T do something, then you better BELIEVE I'm going to do my level best to prove em' wrong!
I know they had my best interests in mind, but it felt SO good to prove it COULD be done!
So today, I'm back at home, and getting back into the HOME routine. Trying to drink all my water. Exercising while I watch Dr.Phil. Who knew he REALLY could solve one of my problems? That's right...he makes exercising more interesting! Never could just EXERCISE without some kind of distraction! Thanks Dr. Phil, but don't send a bill.
Well, it's about time to whip up my last Cambridge meal, and call it a day! Only 82 more days to go!
Oh, did I mention I lost 2.5 pounds while I was camping??? Makes it all worthwhile!
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