Tuesday, April 25, 2006


OK, so today I got a magazine in the mail from Lane Bryant. No joke. I'm thinking HOW do they know I'm fat? I've only shopped there a couple of times, and they didn't know who I was! I certainly didn't join their mailing list, and I didn't even write a check! Did they just think my name SOUNDED like a fat chick? I'll have to think about that one.

Nevertheless, I opened the magazine, and LO and BEHOLD....if I looked like ANY of the models IN that magazine I WOULDN'T be shopping at Lane Bryant!
What's up with that? Do they think that we are SO STUPID (since we are fat, we MUST be, right?) that we actually think that if we BUY those particular clothes, they will LOOK like that on us? Give me a BREAK!
If that were the case NOBODY would be fat... but, EVERYBODY would be shopping at LANE BRYANT!

I'm NOT kidding the models ON those pages were all atleast size 5 or 6. OK, MAYBE there was an 8 in there SOMEWHERE. I'm really not as dumb as I look! I know that when I order a dress that is pictured in a size 5, when it get's here in a size 20, and I put it on, I will not look like a size 5! It will most likely look like an
ill-fitting TENT, and certainly NOT the model on the page.

And I know they say that the clothes are all cut to one specific SIZE, so that they can find models to actually MODEL them, but this is my opinion.....
WHY not REALLY help us? Grab a 20 off the rack, and hire some FAT models, and show us how we'd REALLY LOOK IN THOSE CLOTHES. Then we might actually ORDER something, because we would BELIEVE that we might look like that when we put it on?

Should we have to look ridiculous while we are losing weight? Absolutely NOT! I hate shopping for clothes, but I'm NOT going to go out on a limb and order something expensive that LOOKS good on a 19 year old beanpole, with the hopes that I'll magically drop 80 pounds when I put it on.
I will trudge into Wal-Mart, K-Mart, or Target, or WHEREVER, and buy some cheap stuff that looks OK right now, and HOPEFULLY next week will fit a LITTLE looser than it does today. And I'll do that again, and again, until FINALLY, I'm HAPPY to go shopping, and I'm NOT buying fat, frumpy looking clothes. In fact if I work REALLLLLY hard, I might just be trying on something that I'd see a 19 year old beanpole wearing in a MAGAZINE! It's ALL up to me!


Anonymous said...

Hello! I posted a comment and thought it would end up here - but now I see that I posted it on the wrong day...ooopps!! Please read my comment on the 22nd of April... Karin.

Donna said...

Thanks so much...I also posted a comment in reply to YOUR comment on the 22nd! LOL So ooooops, I did it too!

Anonymous said...

Your "Lane Bryant" post had me in stitches. That is how I feel when I see those books! This really lifted my spirits. I also saw the post on Ruthann's board made by Pattie. Please don't let that bother you. She's obviously an old ugly jealous person! lol I don't blame you for leaving there, at least I know where I can find you! Hang in there darling! I'll be reading your blog often!