Monday, May 08, 2006

Make It A Habit...

Well, I'm back from camping, and I did manage to write while I was away. Just some thoughts, but I put them on paper, and thought I'd share them with you...

I once heard that it only takes 11 days to make or break a habit. I don't know how they came up with that number or why, but I do know that you can easily develop a habit in about 2 weeks. When I started Cambridge this time, I made up my mind, that THIS was how my life was going to be until I lost all the weight I wanted to lose.

I didn't start with the "intention" to create a habit, but somewhere along the way, it happened! I really didn't even realize it had become a habit until I went on that Ladies Retreat. While I was there, it just felt strange. I enjoyed the food, but there was a nagging sensation inside me, that made me feel uneasy.

I was breaking habit. My daily routine that I had been following for 42 days was ALL MESSED UP. I actually missed the routine! WHAT? I really did. I knew that when I got back to my scales, it was not going to be pretty.

When I was in "my routine" I looked forward to weighing myself every morning. I knew that as long as I was following "routine," I was going to see the numbers drop, or at very least, stay the same.

Going back to my "old" bad habits, and unhealthy way of eating (even though it was just TEMPORARY), was letting in a definite uncertainty. Who knew what that scale was going to say? Odds were it was NOT going to be something to look forward to.

There's still the occassional urge to binge, and of course it's going to rear it's ugly head from time to time. After all, that habit was 13 years in the making, so it's bound to resurface on occasion. The thing's no longer a habit, or the "routine."

It's an old habit that died hard, but it has been replaced by a healthier habit. One that will bring a smile to my face when I get on the scales, knowing that today, I did EVERYTHING I COULD, to lose or maintain my weight. That is my NEW habit. I don't think this diet would be nearly as easy, or even possible if it wasn't a habit.

So think about it. What can YOU do for 11 days? Can you change ANYTHING for about 2 weeks? It can become a habit, and it can change the REST of your life...for the better!

By the way.....
I stayed on my diet ALL weekend while camping. Didn't cheat ONCE! Aren't you proud?


Anonymous said...

Donna, you are doing so great. camping seems like an impossible situation but you handled it. I feel the comfort of the routine, too, since I got out of hospital.
Please help me with Yasmine. I am afraid she is getting close to giving up. You have the spirit she needs. I think she might also need a change or at least and increase in her calories. she went off ss at day 60 and did not post all the time I was gone. Joy

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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