Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Day 13 Over and Done!

Well, another day over. I'm still hanging in there. Seems like I've been doing this all my life. I went grocery shopping tonight for our camping trip. I tried to buy things for the kids, and hubby that I don't like. That way, I won't be AS tempted by it! We are leaving tomorrow, so I won't be reporting until Monday. I'm HOPING I'll be strong, and have GOOD news!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Day 12 DONE!

I survived another day, and it's amazing how EASY it seems to bypass food. Now this weekend will be a DIFFERENT story. We are going camping, and this is where I ALWAYS fall off (or bail off) the wagon! It's going to be tough. Seems like food always smells SO much better when cooked outside. WHY?? Anyway, I REALLY don't want to mess up, so I've GOT to make myself be good. I will be absent for a little while but I will definitely report as SOON as I get back!
See ya then!

Monday, March 27, 2006

Day 11 over and conquered!

One more day down. Today I stayed busy, but seemed hungrier. I've been reading books about weightloss, and that seems to help. I drank a lot of water too. I'm feeling stronger, and stronger, and I think it's finally sinking in that SOON, I'll be back down to where I was when I was little! I can't WAIT to wear my wedding rings again!
Gonna go do another mile on my gazelle.

Sunday, March 26, 2006 this is what it feels like?

It's amazing. This is Day 10 on SS, and I feel AMAZING! I feel like for ONCE in my life I am in control of SOMETHING. There are hundreds of variables in my life that I have absolutely no control over, but for ONCE...I have control over something. What? I have control over WHAT goes into my mouth, and my body!
I have always felt like food had an overpowering hold on me. I could NOT resist that big slice of chocolate cake, or that big slice of pizza, or that HUGE CHINESE BUFFET. But, 10 days are behind me, and now I can actually say I don't really miss it! I feel like for once, I just might actually REACH that goal weight. I have been having some "free veggies" like mushrooms, and zuchini. I think that has helped a LOT too. I feel like I'm eating something that is good for me, and I'm starting to LOOK forward to eating those veggies. I've NEVER been much of a vegetable person, but they are becoming more appealing EVERYDAY. I can see how they will definitely be a big part of my maintenance, because I'm actually developing a taste for this stuff! If I had been eating this stuff BEFOREHAND, I wouldn't be learning this NOW. Oh Well!
I love being in control!!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

DAY 9 is OVER! 91 to go!

Another Cambridge Day under my belt, and I have beaten my OWN goal! This was Day 9, and it is the LONGEST I have ever been on SS. (most consecutive days) I am happy to say, that it's going rather well. I feel good, have lot's of energy. Life is good! Who knew that you could actually SURVIVE without food, and feel good about it?
I will have to say that I have been enjoying one of the "free" foods quite regularly. Mushrooms are FREE. So, I have been making a mushroom saute' using salt free seasonings, a splash of vinegar, Tabasco, and some fat free, calorie free butter spray. Tastes like HEAVEN, and has little caloric content. It is allowed on SS.
I have been trying to get all my water down today, since I didn't yesterday! :-( That is about it! I've got one more serving of Cambridge to go today, and it will be OVER.
Then there's nothing to do but look forward to getting on the scales in the morning! Not very often you are EXCITED about getting on there. But, with this diet...every DAY is something I look forward to, because there is almost ALWAYS a loss!
I also did 2 miles on the gazelle today. That's it!

Friday, March 24, 2006


Well, I'm happy! After a good first week on Cambridge, I am happy to say that I lost a total of 8.5 pounds!! That is what I like to see. Tonight was tough though. I cooked the hubby a steak, and baked potato with saute'd mushrooms. I'll have to say, it looked and smelled like HEAVEN. I was able to resist though. Got my mind SET on seeing this Cambridge diet through! I didn't drink enough water today, so I'm gonna have to try to get it all in before bedtime. I guess I'll have to move a cot into the bathroom if I'm gonna get any sleep!

Easter is fast approaching, and they have ALL that delicious looking chocolate out EVERYWHERE! Normally, I would have gotten the girls, and MYSELF a couple of chocolate bunnies to munch on, but I avoided it! I steered CLEAR of the Easter AISLE.

Every holiday gives us reason to cheat if we let it. Normally I indulge, and blame it on...."well it was a HOLIDAY" We should want to get skinny on Holidays just like ANY other days. Think about how much more enjoyable the holidays will be when you are THIN. I know I can't wait! Day 8 is over so I'm 92 days away from my goal!
Hope you all are having a GREAT weekend!


Thursday, March 23, 2006

America...Land of the Hefty!

Of course it's the land of the "plenty." It's land of the MORE than plenty! We can't even order fast food without being asked..."Supersize?" That's why our waistbands have become supersized. We have to ask ourselves though...can we REALLY blame the fast food chains? Our cars don't drive THEMSELVES to MickeyD's! They DO have salads on the menu.
We have to make the choice ourselves to IMPROVE ourselves. We can't put our lives OR our waistbands in the hands of the fast food chains!

Anyway, enough rambling...
Today was a little tougher than the rest of the week. For some reason I was hungrier. One thing was the fact that I didn't drink enough water. Second thing I noticed; I was a bit ill. So, it could be that Aunt Flo is coming for a visit soon! Just hope she doesn't bring a whole suitcase of cravings, and bloating.
I hung in there nonetheless, and overcame temptation! I'm determined to make it to that "100 day goal." Tomorrow is my first official weigh-in. So hopefully, I won't retain TOO much water! I added a little more activity today as well. I did 4 miles on my gazelle, maybe that will help some.
Book Review:
I started reading "Tales from the Scale" today, and so far it is NOT at all what I expected. Not to say that it is not good...just not what I thought it would be. I've only read about 1/4 of it, so I guess it could change. I was expecting a light hearted comic approach, with funny cynical comments. So far it has been rather depressing. Sad stories from some dysfunctional childhood memories. Depressing tales of the dread of going to PE class. Not that I can't sympathize. I've definitely been there, and felt their pain. Can't blame my parents for my weight gains though. They didn't do this to me...oh I said, I'm only about 1/4 of the way through it. I guess it could change directions.

Anyway, Day 7 is officially over, and I made it through it. Time to soak in the tub, and go to bed. Happy weigh-ins everyone!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Floating to the bathroom...
Well, it's Day 6, and it's ALMOST over. I've just been drinking Crystal Light all day, and trying to do something constructive between visits to the porcelain recliner! (I call it a recliner based on the amount of time my hubby spends sitting on it reading car magazines) Anyhoo, I decided to add a little exercise to my regimen today. So, I dragged my gazelle into the bedroom, and turned on Dr. Phil, and just walked all the way through his show. I gotta say....I really like that piece of exercise equipment. It doesn't even FEEL like I'm getting a workout. AND it doesn't make any I could still hear Dr.Phil! We'll see on Friday if I'm getting a workout or not!
I got my book "Tales From the Scale" by Erin J. Shea today. Can't wait to start reading it. I think it's going to be a hoot! Oh well, not much else to add. Another day under my belt, and I'll keep chugging (water that is) and plugging away at this diet!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

ANOTHER BEFORE PIC...Click on the picture for a closer look! (weight 245.5) Posted by Picasa

BEFORE PIC...WEIGHT 245.5 Posted by Picasa
Well, this is it!
I started Cambridge 5 days ago. I've lost 7 pounds so far. I've decided that I'm REALLY committing to it this time. It HAS to be a committment, how else are you going to swear off food for that long?
I actually found a blog from a guy in the UK who lost 117 pounds in 117 days, he gave me LOT'S of inspiration, and I have PROMISED myself that I'm going to dedicate 100 days to this diet! (Atleast)
I know I may not lose a pound a day like he did...after all he IS a man, and we women know how they seem to lose faster than us! But I do feel that I can lose the 84 pounds that I want to lose.
I started this journey weighing 245.5. This is my 5th day on this diet, and I've lost 7 pounds. It is definitely the fastest way to lose weight, other than cutting off a leg!
The first 4-5 days are really hard, but I'm in ketosis now, and I'm feeling GREAT!
Today was pretty good. The hunger is officially GONE. I had to MAKE myslef have all 3 servings of Cambridge today. Weird. I bought some fresh mushrooms, and threw them in my tomato soup with a little Tabasco sauce...that was pretty good. We'll see how the rest of the week goes. Good Night!